- Item Name : Kanakku - Invoice and Billing Management Application System
- Published: 9th January 2024
- Item Version : v1.0
- Author : Dreams Technologies
- Support via email: support@dreamstechnologies.com
- Support via Codecanyon: Take me there
Kanakku - Invoice and Billing Management Application System.
Kanakku is a robust Invoice and Billing Management Application meticulously crafted to optimize and automate the entire invoicing lifecycle for businesses. This sophisticated software solution is tailored to simplify the creation, dispatch, and meticulous management of invoices and bills.
Let’s first get you started by installing the Nodejs. Below are the simple steps that will walk you through the installation process.
- Download the node js for Windows from https://nodejs.org/en/download/. (LTS - windows installer - 64-bit)
- Run the installer to install the node js on your system.
- This will install the latest version of node js and the latest version of NPM.
Open a command prompt and you can check (whether it is installed correctly) your node js version by running “node -v” and your npm version by running “npm -v”.
Now that you have installed node js , let’s proceed ahead and install your database.
- Download the Mongo DB installer (msi package) from https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community.
- Run the installer to install Mongo DB on your system.
After installing the Mongo DB successfully on your system, go to Local Disk(C:) > Program Files > MongoDB> Server > 6.0 > bin.
- Copy the bin folder path of the Mongo DB on your system.
Open the Windows system environment variables and add the path you copied to the user’s path variable.
Open the command prompt and you can check (whether you installed it correctly) your Mongo DB version by running “mongod --version” .
You have successfully installed Mongo DB in your system.
NOTE: React js will be installed along with our application installation. Now you are ready to install our application.
- Download the zip file onto your PC and save it in the desired location.
- Extract the zip file in that directory.
Let’s complete the backend setup of the application first We begin by configuring the .env file
Navigate to the backend folder directory in the given package \kanakku\backend .
- Open/create the .env file using VS Code or any other text editor
- Set the NODE_ENV variable to production or development based on your environment.
- Set the PORT variable to the port which you want to run the application.
- Set the JWTSECRET and CRYPTOSECRET variable to any alphanumeric characters as your wish.
- Set the DEVLOPMENT_BACKEND_URL and DEVLOPMENT_FRONTEND_URL variables to the base url you are running the application.
- Below I attached a demo .env file for your reference.
Open the command prompt or vs code terminal on the project directory (\kanakku\backend) and run npm run dev to start the application.
npm run dev
You have successfully completed the backend setup and initiated the application. Now let’s proceed to set up the frontend of our application.
Let’s begin by setting up the frontend modules Navigate to the frontend folder directory in the given package \kanakku\frontend .
Open the command prompt or vs code(any other code editor) terminal in the project root directory (\kanakku\frontend) and run npm install to install the required modules.
npm install
You have now successfully installed all the necessary frontend modules. Let’s now begin by initiating the frontend application.
Open the command prompt or vs code terminal on the project directory(\kanakku\frontend) and run npm strat to start the application.
npm start
You have successfully completed the frontend application setup.
Now let us set up the DEVLOPMENT_FRONTEND_URL variables in the .env file that we had configured earlier in the backend folder.
You can now access the application on your system http://localhost:7005
Backend Installation
Step 1: Install Node.js and npm
Install node.js and npm using the below command
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y nodejs
sudo apt install -y npm
Step 2: Create Database
If you're using a database in the same server, follow the steps below.
Installation of MongoDB server using below official documentation
If you're using the managed service Mongodb database you have a endpoint, username, and password
Step 3:Place Files
Place the downloaded file in /var/www/html/

Step 4: Configure Environment variable
Go to “.env” file in the “kanakku/backend/” folder and update the value for “NODE_ENV, PORT , JWT SECRET, CRYPTO SECRET and DEVLOPMENT_BACKEND_URL” as shown below
- Set the NODE_ENV variable to “production” .
- Set the PORT variable to the port in which you want to run the application.
- Set the JWTSECRET and CRYPTOSECRET variables to any alphanumeric characters based on your preference.
- Set the DEVLOPMENT_BACKEND_URL variables to the base URL you are running the application.
Step 5: Database configuration
Go to “.dbconfig.js” file in the “kanakku//backend/config” folder and update the value for “host, port, username, password and db(database name)” as shown below

Step 6: Installing modules and import database
Install npm modules by running the following command in the same terminal after navigating to the "kanakku/backend" directory
npm install
Step 7: Import database
Import database using below command.
mongorestore -h hostname -u username -p password -d database_name kanakku/backend/mongodb/pythru
Step 8: Start the backend server
To start the backed server using following command in the same terminal after navigating to the "kanakku/backend" directory
npm start server.js
Frontend Installation
Step 1:Place
Place the downloaded frontend file in /home/ubuntu/cd frontend

Step 2:Place a Url in frontend configuration
Let's open up the “frontend/webpack.config.js” file, and change the 'apiUrl' to the location Place your domain name in “apiurl” and also place a “port” number used for backend

Step 3: To build a frontend application
To build the project, execute “npm run build” in the terminal. The resulting build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. This directory can be utilized for a production build of the application.
You got a dist file in /home/ubuntu/frontend/dist
Step 4: Move the frontend application build
To move the build to the /var/www/html/kanakku/ path
mv /home/ubuntu/frontend/dist/* /var/www/html/kanakku
- Email : admin@example.com
- Password : Admin@123
- Visit the https://console.firebase.google.com to register your application.
- Go to the project settings as mentioned below
- Go to the Cloud Messaging to get your Server key and sender id for the application.
- Add the server key and sender id in the Settings→ Notification page.

Stripe Configuration
- Visit the https://dashboard.stripe.com/login website to create your stripe account.
- Click the developers tab in the home page, then click the API Keys tab to access your stripe Publishable key and secret key.
- Note if you are in the test mode you will get a sandbox keys or in live mode you will get the live API keys.
- Click the Webhooks tab to add your webhook project URL and add the events named charge.succeeded and payment_intent.succeeded to listen to your payments.
- Add the Secret key and Publishable key in Settings → Payment Settings page.

Paypal Configuration
- Visit the https://developer.paypal.com/home to create a paypal developer account.
- Click the Go to dashboard tab on the top right corner of the page to go the developer dashboard.
- Click the APP & Credentials tab to create your app and you will get the Client and Secret
- If you are in sandbox mode , you will get sandbox keys else you will get the live keys.
- Add the keys in the Settings → Payment Settings page.

- Click on your gmail profile and select Manage your Google Account.
- Select security
- Select 2-Step verification and select the App Passwords .
- Create a app with custom name , you will get a password
- Add the Email and password in the Settings → Email settings page to send mail to your customers.
Before adding a new product we need to add the Category of the product and also add the Units using which they will be measured.
Step 1: Add Category of the Product

Step 2: After filling all required fields * Click Add Category

Step 3: Add Units for the Product

Step 4: After filling all required fields * Click Add Units

Step 5: Add Product

Step 6: After filling all required fields * Click Add Item

We can Add product to Inventory by two methods:
- Direct Method or
- When a Purchase Order gets confirmed and converted into a Purchase.
Method 1: Direct Method
To Add Stock in Inventory

Enter Stock to add Inventory and Click Add Quantity

To Remove Stock in Inventory

Enter Stock to be removed from Inventory and Click Remove Quantity

Method 2: By converting Purchase Order to Purchase
Add Purchase Order

After filling all required fields * Click Save

In the Purchase Orders list, Click Action and convert the confirmed orders to Purchase.

Before adding the invoice, we need to confirm whether the Signature and Invoice settings have been configured.
Adding Signature in Settings:
Step 1: Navigate to Settings -> List of Signature and Click Add Signature

Step 2: After filling all required fields * Click Save

Adding Invoice in Settings:
Step 1: Navigate to Settings -> List of Invoice Settings and fill all required fields * and Click Save Changes

Adding Invoice:
Step 1: Navigate to Invoice -> and click Add Invoice

Step 2: After filling all required fields * Click Save

Please note that our respond can take up to 2 business days.
- Availability to answer questions, Answering technical questions about item’s features, Assistance with reported bugs and issues, Help with included 3rd party assets.
- Any customization request will be ignored.
- Please make sure to read more about the support policy.
If this documentation does not address your questions, please feel free to contact us via email at Item Support Page
We are in the GMT+5:30 time zone and typically respond to inquiries on weekdays within 12-24 hours. Please note that in rare cases, the response time may extend to 48 hours, especially during holiday seasons.
We strive to offer top-notch support, but it's only available to verified buyers and for template-related issues such as bugs and errors. Custom changes and third-party module setups are not covered.
Don’t forget to Rate Kanakku!
Bestatshop is developed by Dreams Technologies and is available under both Envato Extended & Regular License options.
Regular License
Usage by either yourself or a single client is permitted for a single end product, provided that end users are not subject to any charges.
Extended License
For use by you or one client in a single end product for which end users may be charged.
What are the main differences between the Regular License and the Extended License?
If you operate as a freelancer or agency, you have the option to acquire the Extended License, which permits you to utilize the item across multiple projects on behalf of your clients.
Do you need a customized application for your business?
If you need a customized application for your business depends on your specific requirements and goals, Please contact us.
Customization can be the key to success, ensuring your project perfectly aligns with your unique goals and requirements.
Don't Miss Out on the Benefits of Customization!
Unlock the potential of your project. It's time to ensure that your project isn't just another cookie-cutter solution but a truly unique and effective one.
Discover how customization can make a difference in your project's success. Let's create a solution that's as unique as your vision!
- We'll tailor the application to meet your specific needs and preferences.
- We will upload your website to the server and ensure it is live.
Version 1.0.2
26th Mar 2024- AddedWebPack configuration
- FixedBreaking into components
- FixedError Handling
- RemovedUnwanted code
Version 1.0.1
30th Jan 2024- AddedHyperlinks added for Customer, Invoice, SR and PR
- FixedPayment Settings Issue
- FixedPayment Settings Issue
- UpdatedInvoice View design
Version 1.0
9th Jan 2024- AddedIntial Release
Thank You
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